The Trichinopoly – St John ‘s Baptism and Burial Register 1810-1834 have now been uploaded to the FIBIS database website. Elaine MacGregor sent the following message when she sent us the data and images for upload.
I have just completed transcribing the Baptism and Burial (but no Marriages) Registers that Vernon Wright and I photographed when we were in Trichinopoply in October 2015.
The Baptismal spreadsheet contains 604 entries and the Burial 1696. All in all there are 1394 surnames in the surname index that I prepared, 165 of which are being researched by various members of The Guild of One Name Studies. Some of these surnames are obviously varients of a particular name, either mis-spelt or mis-heard by the Clerk, Army Officer, Missionary or Chaplain who was recording the entry, so it is most important when searching that you use try searching using different spellings, think phonetically, and use wildcards * and %.
There are sections missing from the Registers – particularly the Baptismal Register – a whole chunk from mid July 1810 to April 1816 and at least two pages in July-August 1822, the burial register is pretty much intact from 1810 to 1834. We did photograph everything that was in the blue plastic bag where the register was kept, including all the silverfish! Vernon and I even went back to the Church in the evening to finish photographing and took about a thousand photos just of this Register.
I have transcribed each entry as acurately as I can which you will find under the under the heading “ Full Register Detailsâ€, The rest of the fields are for easy searching – e.g. First Name, Surname, Father ‘s Name, Mother ‘s Name, Occupation, Rank etc. No doubt you will find typing errors, despite my proof reading it twice. Please advise me if you do find any errors so that they may be corrected. Where I am not sure of a name, or a spelling I have put a ? . I have used square brackets [ ] where I have made a suggestion – e.g. [Cat]herine
Most of the Register consists of three entries to a page and each photo reflects these entries.
I hope that you find your ancestor – although some of these entries do appear under the Indian Baptisms and Burials on www.findmypast.co.uk , and www.familysearch.org they are transcriptions and not actual photos of the original register, so these photos are Primary Sources for your family history records.
Elaine MacGregor,
FIBIS member MAC-0292
March 2016