FIBIS is pleased to announce the launch of it’s FIBIS Gallery website. The FIBIS Gallery uses a web-based program designed to upload, organize and archive photographs. It supports tagging, categories, geo-referencing, timelines and practically every other on-line sorting tool you can think of! So far we have uploaded over 500 photographs dating from the mid 1860’s up to present day, but there are still twice as many waiting for upload that we hope to be adding in the forthcoming weeks.
Features of FIBIS Gallery
- Browse photographs in albums
- View photographs as a slideshow
- Excellent search facility
- View photographs/albums on a timeline of when they were taken or posted
- View photographs/albums on a map of where they were taken
- Search using tags
- Excellent mobile theme for mobile devices
- Rate photographs
- Add comments
- Plus much, much more
If you have photographs you would like to contribute please contact the FIBIS webmaster
Other website news
Some of you may have noticed a few improvements to the FIBIS website over the last week. As well as a slightly differently look and a few software upgrades the following changes have been made:
Improved events organiser
- A widget in the right sidebar now displays events in a less confusing format
- The events page not only shows events as a list, but also in a calender with events colour coded by event type.
- If you use a web calender, such as Google calender or webcal, you can now subscribe to our events calender by clicking the subscribe button on the events page. This will then automatically display our event on your web calender and you’ll never miss another FIBIS event!
Conference 2014 website
FIBIS now have a dedicated website for the planned FIBIS Conference 2014 – ‘Researching Ancestors in British India ‘. A link can also be found on the main FIBIS website horizontal navigation bar. This website will be updated regularly with all the latest conference developments and news. You can subscribe to conference updates by email by visiting the site and entering your email address in the box in the right-hand sidebar where it says ‘Subscribe to news via Email’.