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Family Tree DNA End of Summer Sale!

29 Aug | News,

Family Tree DNA has announced its ‘End of Summer Y-DNA Sale’! Order a Y-DNA Test and join the world’s largest Y-DNA database. All Y-DNA tests and upgrades have been marked down for significant savings!

The sale ends on 3 September  2014.

As an added bonus, Big Y is also on sale for $495*. Big Y is the most comprehensive Y chromosome discovery test on the market.

Family Tree DNA End of Summer Sale price list

Standard Tests Regular Price Sale Price
Y-37 $169 $129
Y-67 $268 $199
Y-111 $367 $279
Big Y $595 $495
Upgrades Regular Price Sale Price
Y-12 -> Y-37 $99 $70
Y-12 -> Y-67 $189 $148
Y-12 -> Y-111 $339 $239
Y-25 -> Y-37 $49 $35
Y-25 -> Y-67 $148 $114
Y-25 -> Y-111 $249 $209
Y-37 -> Y-67 $99 $79
Y-37 -> Y-111 $220 $179
Y-67 -> Y-111 $129 $109

* Note: Only previously awarded Big Y coupons are usable with sale items. Other offers and coupons are not valid with Y-DNA sale prices.

Order a test or upgrade here