
Documentary “The Devil’s Wind” on DVD

01 Jun | News,

At the FIBIS Open Meeting last month members were shown a privately, but professionally, made film of many aspects of the Indian Mutiny, 1857-59. The film featured a visit to India by Philip Geddes and Lieutenant-General Sir Richard Shireff plus the latter’s son, to visit the places known to their illustrious ancestors at the time of the mutiny. Among the many places featured was the cemetery of Morar, close to Gwalior, which FIBIS Members visited during our tour of 2007.

Philip Geddes mentioned after the showing of the film that it could be purchased on DVD through BACSA (British Association for Cemeteries in South Asia) by FIBIS members for private viewing only with all proceeds going to BACSA. We have had numerous FIBIS members enquiring on how to purchase a copy. Any FIBIS member wishing to purchase a copy should contact Caroline Whitehead, 21 Pentlow Street London SW15 1LX direct.   The price is £10 including postage and packing.