A reminder for those planning to attend our open meeting on Saturday 26th May at Hughes-Parry Hall, University of London, to let the Membership Secretary know of your intention to attend, so we can get a rough idea of how many to cater for. For those that missed the previous post giving details of the meeting here they are again.
Title: Spring Open Meeting – 26 May 2012.
Location: Chancellor ‘s Suite at the Hughes-Parry Hall, University of London, 19-26, Cartwright Gardens London WC1H 9EF.
Description: The meeting will take place in the Chancellor ‘s Suite at the Hughes-Parry Hall, University of London, 19-26, Cartwright Gardens London WC1H 9EF.Morning, 10am-12.30pm
Peter Bailey, FIBIS Chairman, and other trustees will be holding a ‘surgery ‘ in the Chancellor ‘s Room to offer advice to anyone wishing for help in solving a difficult genealogical problem.
Afternoon, 1.00pm for a 1.30pm start.
The programme will be as follows:
1. “ British India from Old Postcards, Haunts of Your Ancestorsâ€
Robert Butterworth gives a presentation detailing his impressive British India postcard collection. As a boy in ‘50′s Britiain he picked up a handful of cards in a junk shop using his pocket money. Robert was enchanted by what seemed to him a most colourful, exotic and vibrant land and thus began a lifelong hobby, during which he has amasses over 5000 postcards.
Break for refreshments.
2. “ The Irish in India, 1790-1920â€
A lecture by Peter Bailey, FIBIS Chairman. The cost of recruiting in Ireland and the fact that Roman Catholics were prohibited from carrying arms, meant that only a small number of Protestants finding their own way to England joined the EIC & British armies. However, the repeal of the Penal Laws in 1778 attracted numbers of Irishmen who grew to comprise some 50% of these armies by the early 19th century. This lecture describes how to research the records of these Irishmen in India and the effect that they had on the social life in that country.
In between talks there will be refreshments and time for members to discuss matters of common interest. There will also be a bookstall selling FIBIS Guides and Fact Files, and other books relating to the history of British India. Mr Butterworth will also be bringing his duplicate postcards to sell.
All are welcome and the meeting is free-of-charge – but those wishing to attend should inform Fibis Membership Secretary, Emma Sullivan of their intention to do so.
Start Time: 10:00
Date: 2012-05-26