Can anyone help with the identification of the person in this photograph? The owner thinks it could be Thomas William Skinner or his son Ebenezer Samuel Skinner and provides the following details:
Thomas William Skinner, was a Conductor in the Madras Artillery. He died in 1863. His headdress looks like some sort of kepi with a badge and metallic buttons. The other possibility is that it is his son, Ebenezer Samuel Skinner who was in the Civil Service in Burma. On thinking further it may be the latter, though I can’t explain the cap. What made me think it may be Ebenezer is that it was found at the back of a frame, hence the damage, with a picture of a young lady who I feel is my great-grandmother, Isabella Rose (Cheetham) Skinner.
To see larger version of the photograph view it in the FIBIS Gallery where you can view various sizes of the image.
If anyone can help with identification please email: fibis-webmaster@