
New India Office Records blog

17 Oct | News,

The British Library launched a new India Office Records blog today  which can be found at and already contains an interesting article on  East India Company London workers.

Untold Lives: Sharing stories from the past

The British Library ‘s collections contain stories of people ‘s lives worldwide, from the dawn of history to the present day. They are told through the written word, images, audio-visual and digital materials. The Untold Lives blog shares those stories, providing fascinating and unusual insights into the past and bringing out from the shadows lives that have been overlooked or forgotten.

We hope to inspire new research and encourage enjoyment, knowledge and understanding of the British Library and its collections. In addition to stories from the past, we give glimpses of the hidden life of the Library and provide information about events and exhibitions. The blog contains many links to act as signposts to research information and online resources that you can explore for work or pleasure.

Many of you reading Untold Lives will know similar stories– we hope you will share them by commenting on our blog.

The Untold Lives blog is managed by the History and Classics department but includes contributions from colleagues across the Library and from partners in collaborative projects. Comments are welcome.

Written by  Penny Brook, Margaret Makepeace and colleagues

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