Title: Kinross Museum – British India Family History Workshop and Seminar – 31 Mar 2012
Location: Kinross Museum, Loch Leven Community Campus, Kinross, KY13 8FQ
Description: On Saturday 31st March FIBIS trustees Peter Bailey and Elaine MacGregor will be holding a workshop and seminar on researching British India family history at the Kinross Museum, Loch Leven Community Campus, Kinross, KY13 8FQ, from 10.00am to 3.00pm – limited to 25 members.
10.00-12.00 – ‘Hit a brick wall ‘ surgery (Peter and Elaine).
12.00-12.45 – Lunch break and general discussions. – Introduction by Professor David M Munro, MBE – Chairman, Kinross (Marshall) Museum Trust, about their holdings.
1.00-1.30 – PowerPoint presentation by Graham Holton from the University of Strathclyde.
1.30.-2.00 – PowerPoint presentation by Caroline Brown from the University of Dundee.
2.00-2.15 – Break.
2.15-2.45 – PowerPoint presentation by Peter Bailey, FIBIS Chairman, on the Scots in India.
2.45-3.00 – Q&A.
There is no charge for the actual workshop and seminar, but we would ask the delegates to donate a small amount to the Kinross Museum for hosting us in their room and there is a donation box available on the day.
There is plenty of parking and a sandwich bar and coffee machines in the foyer, or delegates can bring their own packed lunch. It will be an opportunity for delegates to have a social meeting together with Peter Bailey and of course with other FIBIS members as well as do some research.
Start Time: 10:00
Date: 2012-03-31
End Time: 15:00