
Exciting news! FIBIS DNA Project launched

04 Nov | News,

Genealogical DNA testing can provide new leads, help with brickwalls, inspire your research and even connect cousins, so FIBIS is pleased to  announce that it has partnered with Family Tree DNA to provide a discounted testing service.

What is the project?

Often in British India family research we hit a brickwall and suspect the cause is that an ancestor is Indian. This can be hard to prove due to lack of documentary evidence and FIBIS hope that our DNA project might help in these situations. Family Tree DNA projects provide a forum for exploring common genetic heritage. We hope the FIBIS project might connect a few members with possible cousins and help you understand your ancestry a little more.

Thinking of having a genetic DNA test?

Sign up to Family Tree DNA through the  FIBIS DNA project for discounted tests.

Already had your DNA tested?

Why not join us and add your results to our British India project group?

  • Share and compare
  • Search for matches
  • Upgrade discounts

YDNA results can be transferred from other test providers.

Non FIBIS members welcome

Ancestral Research through DNA Lecture

On 12th November Debbie Kennett will be giving a FREE lecture on the use of Y-, mitochondrial and autosomal-DNA for researching family history with special emphasis on British India. For further details see