Screenshot of GEDmatch website

British India Ancestors GEDmatch Project

15 Aug | News,

FIBIS have had a DNA project with Family Tree DNA for several years now and we are pleased to announce that we now have an Ancestors Project on GEDmatch.

What is GEDmatch?

GEDmatch is a free DNA comparison and analysis website for people who have tested their autosomal DNA using a direct-to-consumer genetic testing company, such as Ancestry, 23andMe, FTDNA, or have a custom file from other sources. Testers download their DNA data file from the testing company, and then upload it to GEDmatch. GEDmatch processes the file, adds it to a genealogical database, and provides applications for matching and further analysis.

What is an Ancestors Project?

A GEDmatch Ancestors Project is a way to find people who have uploaded their DNA results to GEDmatch that are researching the same ancestor, surname, or geographic area. Thanks to FIBIS member Rob Wilson we now have the British India Ancestors GEDmatch Project for people researching their ancestors in British India.

How do I join the British India GEDmatch Project?

If you haven’t already uploaded your DNA raw data to GEDmatch you will need to do so. You can upload your results and join the project with a free account. Step-by-step instructions on how to do download your raw data file from Family Tree DNA, 23-and-me, ancestry and Living DNA and how to upload them to GEDmatch can be found at

Once you have uploaded your DNA raw data go to FREE TOOLS > Ancestors Project. See the below screenshot.

Screenshot of where to find GEDmatch ancestors projects

On the Ancestors Projects page you will see a list of all the projects. To find our project type British India Ancestors in the search box. This will filter out all the other projects and you will see our project listed with a big green JOIN button. Click the button to join.

If you have any questions feel free to contact me at [email protected].