Title: Annual General Meeting and Lecture Meeting – 12 Nov 2011.
Location: Chancellor’s Room, Hughes Parry Hall, University of London, 19-26 Cartwright Gardens, London, WC1H 9EF.
FIBIS members and members of the public are all welcome. Admission Free.
Morning, 10am-12.30pm
Peter Bailey, FIBIS Chairman, and other trustees will be holding a ‘surgery’ in the Chancellor’s Room to offer advice to anyone wishing for help in solving a difficult genealogical problem.
Afternoon, 1pm for 1.30pm start: The programme will be as follows:
FIBIS Annual General Meeting
The meeting will be preceded by the Society ‘s AGM. All are invited to attend – but only members will be entitled to participate in any vote.
Major Sources for Ancestors in the Indian Public Services
A lecture by Lawrie Butler, former FIBIS trustee and Research Officer. Lawrie has extended his great experience of the records of British India by researching a significant series of records of the Indian Public Services. Hitherto, “ Uncovenanted Civil Servants†have tended to be given a lower profile than their ‘Covenanted ‘ superiors. Lawrie will explain how to research the former in particular.
Ancestral Research through DNA
A lecture by Debbie Kennett on the use of Y-, mitochondrial and autosomal-DNA for researching family history with special emphasis on British India
In between talks there will be refreshments and time for members to discuss matters of common interest. There will also be a selling FIBIS Guides and Fact Files, and other books relating to the history of British India.
Those wishing to attend the meeting on 12 November 2011 are requested to email the membership secretary by 6 November at: [email protected]
Start Time: 10:00
Date: 2011-11-12
End Time: 17:00