
Spring Open Meeting -21 May 2011

05 Jan | Past events,

Title: Spring Open Meeting.
Location: Chancellor’s Suite, Hughes-Parry Hall, University of London, 19-26, Cartwright Gardens London WC1H 9EF.   View map
Description: There will be the usual ‘Surgery’ from 10.00 a.m. until 12.30 p.m. at this location for those wishing to ask questions of the Fibis experts on researching their ancestry in British India.

The afternoon session will open at 1.00pm for a 1.30pm start.
The two lectures will be:

1. “The British Army in India – Soldiers of H.M 12th Foot, The Suffolk Regiment” by Gwyn Thomas, Curator of the Suffolk Regiment Archives

This is the first lecture given to Fibis about the British Army in India. The Suffolk Regiment, both battalions, plus their predecessor, H.M. 12th Foot spent many years in total in British India. Gwyn is to explain the life and times of soldiers of this famous British Infantry regiment.

Break for tea.

2. “The Devil’s Wind”. A privately but professionally made film of many aspects of the Indian Mutiny, 1857-59. The film features a visit to India by Philip Geddes and Lieutenant-General Sir Richard Shireff plus the latter’s son, to visit the places known to their illustrious ancestors at the time of the mutiny. Among the many places featured is the cemetery of Morar, close to Gwalior, which Fibis Members visited during our tour of 2007.

The film will be shown and introduced by Philip Geddes, its Director.

All are welcome and the meeting is free-of-charge – but those wishing to attend should inform Fibis Membership Secretary, Emma Sullivan of their intention to do so by Sunday, 15th May 2011.
Start Time: 10:00.
Date: 2011-05-21.
End Time: 17:00.